Monday, June 3, 2013

Friday Night Fight Night!!

You know how there are those times when you really want to punch someone in the face...really, really hard?  Well this is one such a time.

Josh and I tucked into bed early as my ankle was still healing and Josh had his Open Water Diving at 8:30am.  

At midnight we were awoken by a belligerent drunk and his annoying friend.  The drunk started rambling about nothing of particular interest, but this is when the great spectacle began.

Annoyed friend- "Trent...shut up!"

Drunken Trent- "Why?  What are you going to do about it?"

Annoyed friend- "I'm going to give you three strikes"

Drubken Trent- Walks over to Annoyed Friends bed. "Okay tough guy."

Annoyed friend- "Strike 1!", as he throws his legs over the top bunk, wrapping them around his drunken friends neck standing beneath him. 

Drunken Friend- "What are you doing!  What are you doing!", screams Trent in a horse voice and scarily resembling a seven year old Justin Beiber.  

Annoyed Friend- Releases his World Wrestling Entertainment vice grip as Drunken Trent stumbles back to his bed gasping for breath and mumbling an incoherent sentence sbout his friends over reaction.

I could tell Josh was laying there wearing a smile above me, no longer annoyed to be awoken by the unexpected wrestling match.

Working out that lying down would be in his best interest Drunken Trent launches himself into the bottom bunk bed, almost causing another South-East Asian engineering disaster as the bed shudders under his dead weight.  Ranting about his newfound expertise on everything continues.

Annoyed Friend: "Shut up or else!"

Drunken Trent: "Or else're going to turn crazy psycho again?"

Annoyed Friend: "No, i'm going to slap you in the face".

Drunken Trent mumbles something else to his friend; a 24 year old child seeing how much he can get away with, without getting smacked by a wooden spoon by his mum.

Annoyed Friend: "Strike 2. Dude I'm so close to smacking you in the face", whilst increasing the anger in his voice.

Drunk Trent mumbles something back again in reply.  It's at this point where I realise that Drunken Trent isn't just drunk, he's plain stupid.

Annoyed Friend: "Strike 3!"  He climbs down the ladder from his top bunk, fireman style and starts repeatedly slapping the drunk in the face in the bottom bunk bed next to me. 

I begin to start feeling sorry for Drunken Trent by about the fifth smack.  But at the same time, I can't help feel that the punishment is definitely appropriate for someone with no inclination that five other people need a solid nights rest to tackle another day.  

With his last ounce of drunken, idiotic spirit, Drunken Trent mumbles even more quietly now about his crazy friend, in a last ditch attempt to save face.  

I was still completely amused but Josh was getting annoyed.

Josh: "Dude please just shut up, we're trying to sleep".

I don't know whether it was the fact that Josh could smack him harder then his friend or just the realisation of the existence of breathing human life in the hostel room, but he shut up enough for us all to fall into a deep sleep.

I know that violence isn't the best way to deal with things, and in fact it's a downright bad way.  But sometimes, when negotiations fail, the wooden spoon has to come out and grandma has to serve out a beating.